Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Paleo Eggs Benedict

Last year I was on quite the eggs benedict kick. And no, not a healthy version! It was a treat every time we went to visit my dad and something we never made at home. Last week after a friend ordered a fantastic "green eggs and ham" (eggs benedict with spinach) at one of my favorite breakfast spots, I thought that I needed to find a way to make it right away. Not sure what took me so long to finally attempt it.

I was unsuccessful in finding any Canadian Bacon that didn't have added sugar so I just subbed two pieces of bacon, cut them in half, and stacked them for a little thickness. Plus, we all know that everything tastes better with bacon.

The key to this recipe is timing. I won't lie, I failed at this. Usually when it's my first time making something I completely over/under estimate how long certain things will take. However, I now know how to time it better, so hopefully anyone who tries will be slightly more successful than me.


  • 6 egg whites (save 2 or 3 of the yolks. you will need these for the hollandaise sauce!) 
  • 3/4 cup blanched almond flour
  • 1/4 cup coconut flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder (I use the aluminum free brands)
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons of coconut oil
  • 1/4 teaspoon of sea salt 
First, mix the two flours in a bowl then add in the coconut oil. I just used a fork to kind of break it up in the bowl. You do not want it melted or smooth in there. This will help give it an authentic crumbly biscuit texture! Put in the fridge for 15 minutes.

While that is in the fridge, go ahead and preheat your over to 400 degrees, then separate your eggs. Use one bowl for your egg whites and put 2-3 of your yolks in another bowl. Place that to the side, you will need it later! Mix your egg whites until super frothy.

Combine your flour mix and eggs whites. Mix well! The dough should come out like "real biscuits". Make sure they aren't dry.

I greased a baking sheet and then hand shaped the dough like english muffins. Your can choose how big you want them, I tried to make them a good size so they could support the bacon and size of a poached egg. For me this turned out to make 6 biscuits.

*As soon as you pop those in the oven you can get started on the sauce!

Bake for 12-15 minutes. You will see them start to turn a perfect golden brown.

Hollandaise Sauce
  • 2-3 egg yolks
  • 3 tablespoons of coconut oil (must be hot! about 95 degrees)
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice 
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/8 teaspoon paprika (I use a very generous portion)
  • Blender full of water
First, fill your blender completely with water. Then pour this into a pot and boil the water. (It'll make sense in a minute I promise). Once the water is boiling, pour back into your blender and cover. Let sit for 10 minutes.

*While you are waiting for this you can move on to getting your eggs or spinach set up!

After 10 minutes pour out the water and dry your blender. Add your egg yolks and lemon juice. Mix together on low.

Take your super hot coconut oil and slowly pour it in a steady stream. Like, painfully slow. Keep mixing on low. This and the hot blender help cook the eggs.

Once all the oil has been poured, add in your seasonings and pulse a few times. Pour over your eggs right away.

Pretty self explanatory. I cook two pieces of bacon for every eggs benedict I want to make. I ended up making 6 biscuits and 4 eggs so I sent the extra bacon and biscuits to work with J.

 Wilted Spinach

This is the easiest step as long as you aren't distracted and let it burn the first time. Yep, that happened. Ugh. At least it's fast and doesn't take long to re-do. Throw whatever oil you want in the pan, throw in some spinach, move around until it's wilted, and boom. You're done

Poached Eggs

My dad knows my love for eggs benedict so he gave me a poached egg maker for Christmas. It couldn't be easier to use. (see here) Fill the bottom of the pan with about half an inch of water, boil it, grease your egg cups; and when everything is ready carefully crack eggs in said cups, cover and wait about 3 minutes. You can cook more depending on how runny you like your eggs. Pop them out and you're done!

I stacked biscuit, spinach, four half pieces of bacon (two on top of two), poached egg, and hollandaise sauce. Cannot begin to describe how good this was!

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